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About Our Program

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At The Socratic Space, we believe that children are spirited, motivated, and worthy of our respect. Trust is at the heart of our model. Each day, we magnify and dignify the capabilities of children. By shifting a lot of control to them, our students are empowered and liberated to take responsibility for their own learning. What does that look like? 


Each year begins with our scholars penning a constitution. This set of norms and ideals will serve as an agreement for the high standards to be upheld... by each other; for each other. Expectations for respectful behavior and academic fortitude will be clearly outlined and understood during the signing of this document.  


From there, our children set out on a journey of self-discovery. Their days are spent with large chunks of time dedicated to foundational learning (gaining a



What's with the name?


Socrates is known as the father of western philosophy and as a man who questioned everything. Critical thought is a key ingredient missing in traditional models of education today. This needs to change. The Socratic Method is the perfect vehicle for helping students to develop critical thinking skills. Each day, our scholars begin their morning with formal, respectful greetings and a Socratic discussion. Socratic discussions are a form of argumentative dialog, based on questions posed by the discussion leader. These discussions are an opportunity for our children to engage in respectful debate; acknowledging that different opinions, values, and perspectives exist all around us. The outcome is an understanding that it is possible to maintain your own values while honoring the perspectives of others. These conversations also allow us to question our own thinking and understand the root of our personal belief systems. Our hope is that all students at the Socratic Space will develop a habit of self-inquiry. We wish to see a world where asking questions and staying curious are honored. 




​strong footing in math and language), time for play, time for specialty subjects, and time for vocational work when preparing for a Scholar's Showcase. We believe deeply that when children do real work which is meaningful to them, the outcome is real engagement. Click here to see more details about what a typical day looks like.



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Geoff Roberts

Lead Guide; Head of School 

After 17 years of teaching in public education, Geoff knew that it was time to disrupt the educational models being used in most schools today. The idea for The Socratic Space was born from this desire. Geoff holds a Masters degree, is licensed to teach K-12 in North Carolina, has nearly 2 decades of experience with both regular and special education, and is trained in the Orton-Gillingham approach to multi-sensory instruction. Offering children space for questions and dialog have always been of critical importance in his classrooms. He is excited to make this an even more central component and to guide the next generation of great leaders at The Socratic Space.   

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