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 A Typical Day for the
Socratic Space Scholar

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8:30-8:45 am

Arrival window

8:45-9:00 am

Socratic Discussion 










Purpose and Passion Prep


Specialty Subjects


Final Clean-up 

Scholars greet their peers and guide with a handshake and settle in. 

Lead by the guide or a scholar, this daily discussion offers every child the opportunity to be a respectful interlocutor in a formal argumentative dialog. Critical Thinking is practiced and developed here.  

This portion of the day is dedicated to work on foundational skills in language and math. Students will set goals for what they wish to accomplish each day and are welcome to advance in other areas of academic interest once these goals are met.  

Scholars wrap up any loose ends and care for their environment.  

Scholars dine together as a group. Lunches are packed from home.

Scholars freely play on our large fenced playground. 

Scholars use this time to hone skills that have deep meaning to them. Throughout the year, students at The Socratic Space will host multiple exhibitions to share these vocational callings or interests. Between an Entrepreneur's Fair, a Writer's Cafe, an Art Exhibition, and a Science Fair, everyone has their chance to shine.   

How do we discover our passions and purposes? Through exposure and practice in diverse subjects. Throughout the year, Scholars can opt-in for courses in Mind and Body (physical education ranging from yoga to soccer and in between), Handwork (sewing, weaving, crochet, and more), Fine Arts (from drawing to photography), and Language Studies (currently learning American Sign Language).

Scholars ascertain that the environment is clean, organized, and prepared for the following day. 



Students depart 

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